October 12, 2021

Eye Diagram and Jitter Analysis (software)
Eye diagram and jitter analysis software activation license for the SDS6000A oscilloscopes series.
Provides jitter measurement basics: Period, Frequency, +width, -width, +duty, – duty, Cycle-to-Cycle jiitter (CCJ), Difference between the positive pulse width of two continuous cycles, only for clock data (+width@C2C), Difference between the negative pulse width of two continuous cycles, only for clock data. (-width@C2C), Difference between the positive duty cycle of two adjacent cycles, only for clock data.(+duty@C2C), and Difference between the negative duty cycle of two adjacent cycles, only for clock data.(-duty@C2C).
Also features jitter decomposition information including Time Interval Error (TIE), Total Jitter (TJ), Deterministic Jitter (DJ), Random Jitter (RJ), Duty Cycle Distortion (DCD), Data Dependent Jitter (DDJ), Periodic Jitter (PJ), and Total Jitter @ a Bit Error Rate (TJ@BER).