How to Extract Data from the Binary File of Siglent Oscilloscope
June 12, 2024
Data can be formatted in many different ways. Binary data formatting often provides the smallest payload size and therefore transfers via USB/LAN more quickly. Unfortunately, binary is very difficult to interpret by humans. So, binary data is often reformatted to other types (ASCII, etc..)/ Here is a link to the binary data format for many … Continued
Baltic Labs: Generate a stereo-FM multiplex waveform with Python and AWG
October 20, 2022
Sebastian @ Baltic Labs had a recent project that required a stereo-FM multiplex (MPX) signal containing two different tones in the left and right stereo audio channels. This article shows how to generate such an MPX signal for Siglent SDG-series arbitrary waveform generators with Python and PyVISA. Generate a stereo-FM multiplex waveform with Python and … Continued
Jitter spectrum measurements with a digital oscilloscope
February 21, 2022
Clockworks Signal Processing released an application note that measures jitter using a SIGLENT XE series of oscilloscopes. The basic idea is simple enough – measure the clock edges and see if they are all exactly evenly spaced or if they change (jitter) over time. A non-uniform clock fed to an ADC or DAC will produce … Continued
Power Supply Design: Load Step Response with a SIGLENT DC Electronic Load
April 3, 2020
Building a power supply that can handle various loads without oscillating can be a challenge. Computational models and computer simulations can help get your design headed in the right direction, but physical testing is essential to proving the performance of your design. One method of quickly determining stability is to use a load step response. … Continued
Programming Example: SDS Oscilloscope save a copy of a screen image via Python/PyVISA
February 26, 2020
Here is a brief code example written in Python 3.4 that uses PyVISA to pull a display image (screenshot) from a SIGLENT SDS oscilloscope via USB and save it to a drive on the controlling computer. NOTE: This program saves the picture/display image file to the E: drive, which may or may not exist on … Continued
SDS FFT performance on low frequency signals
February 26, 2019
Like many modern oscilloscopes, the SIGLENT SDS series feature FFT math functions that calculate frequency information from the acquired voltage vs. time data. FFT stands for Fast Fourier Transform, and is a common method for determining the frequency content of a time-varying signal. Converting time domain data to the frequency domain makes measuring characteristics like … Continued
Programming Example: List connected VISA compatible resources using PyVISA
February 19, 2019
PyVISA is a software library that enables Python applications to communicate with resources (typically instruments) connected to a controlling computer using different buses, including: GPIB, RS-232, LAN, and USB. This example scans and lists the available resources. It requires PyVISA to be installed (see the PyVISA documentation for more information) *** #Example that scans a … Continued
Comparison / Differences between the SDS1000X and SDS1000X-E oscilloscope families
December 18, 2018
The short list of differences between the X and the 2 channel XE (SDSs1202XE) is as follows: – X has 50 ohm/ 1 MOhm selectable input impedance. XE only has 1 MOhm fixed. You will need a 50 ohm matching through adapter if you wish to connect to 50 Ohm circuits/minimize reflections. – The X has … Continued
Verification of a working remote communications connection using NI – MAX
November 19, 2018
Automating a test can dramatically increase the productivity, throughput, and accuracy of a process. Automating a setup involves connecting a computer to the test instrumentation using a standard communications bus like USB or LAN and then utilizing code entered via a software layer (like LabVIEW, .NET, Python, etc..) to sequence the specific instrument commands and … Continued
Programming Example: Using VXI11 (LXI) and Python for LAN control without sockets
October 8, 2018
In an effort to meet the demands of remote monitoring and control, modern test instrumentation is leveraging more communications busses and than ever before. Each type of bus can also have numerous layers that can be utilized for specific advantages. The VXI bus and subsequent software drivers form a convenient software API that can make remote control … Continued