Operating Tips

Digital Oscilloscopes

Are your instruments FCC compliant?

December 18, 2018

Test and measurement equipment is exempt from FCC emissions limits per CFR 47, Part 15, para 15.103(c): https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CFR-2002-title47-vol1/pdf/CFR-2002-title47-vol1-sec15-103.pdf Specifically: “(c) A digital device used exclusively as industrial, commercial, or medical test equipment.”

Measurement Data Depth SDS2000X vs. SDS1/2 X-E

December 18, 2018

One of the more powerful features of digital oscilloscopes is the automatic measurement function. Most modern scopes allow you to measure 20 or 30 separate waveform parameters including rise/fall time, phase difference, peak-to-peak voltage, and more. Some functions can actually measure large data sets to provide a “running average” of the measurement over a long … Continued

How to enter options on the SDS2000X

December 18, 2018

The SDS2000X provides multiple options to fulfill your measurement requirements.   Please contact your SIGLENT sales representative or SIGLENT technical support to order one of the available options for your product. After you generate your activation code, use the following steps to install the option on the oscilloscope: 1. Press the Utility button on the front panel to enter … Continued

Configuring the IP address on the SDS1000 (DL+, CNL+, and more)

December 18, 2018

To adjust the IP settings on the SDS1000 series, including the SDS1052DL+:     Press Utility > Next Page to page 3/4:         Press the softkey next to IO Setting > Press the softkey next to IP Setting:     Now, you can see the IP configuration. Press the topmost softkey (shown … Continued

Adding MSO/Logic Analyzer Capability to the SDS1004X-E Series of Oscilloscopes

February 26, 2018

Mixed Signal Oscilloscopes (MSO’s for short) feature the ability to show both analog and digital signals using the same timebase. This is essentially like adding a logic analyzer (LA) to the analog scope portion of the design. The SIGLENT 4 channel SDS1004X-E series of oscilloscopes (currently the 100 MHz SDS1104X-E and 200 MHz SDS1204X-E models) can … Continued

SDS1000X-E New Fixed Position Zoom

February 8, 2018

This feature allows the user to adjust the position selections for horizontal and vertical zooming. Traditionally, most scopes allow you to zoom around a fixed position. This is typically the center of the display (which is the standard operation on all SIGLENT scopes). We refer to this as fixed delay for horizontal and fixed offset … Continued

Standard probe product list

December 27, 2017

Here is a list of probes currently supplied with each product: Click here to view the Product Probe List