Handheld scope isolation information
March 9, 2021
SHS800 series Analog channels, USB host, USB device, and the power/charging port share a common ground. The DMM is isolated from the other functions listed. SHS1000 series Analog channels are isolated from the other connections. USB host, USB device, and the power/charging port share a common ground. The DMM is isolated from the other … Continued
SHS800/1000 oscilloscope record function details
October 11, 2019
The SIGLENT SHS800 and 1000 family of handheld oscilloscopes have the ability to record and playback multiple trigger events. When an event triggers data collection on the scope, the waveforms are recorded for the timebase selected. The trigger will rearm, and the instrument will wait for the next event. In this way, each triggered event … Continued
SHS USB connectivity
August 29, 2019
The SIGLENT SHS series of handheld oscilloscopes can be directly controlled by a computer using the supplied USB-to-USB mini cable and can be controlled using EasyScopeX software. In some cases, you may experience issues with the USB connection to the computer. The first step is to check the SHS communications setting. Press User > and … Continued
Currently supported instruments for use with the SIGLENT USB-GPIB adapter
July 26, 2019
The SIGLENT USB-GPIB adaptor currently works with the following SIGLENT instruments: Multimeters – SDM3065X/SDM3065X-SC SDM3055/SDM3055-SC SDM3045X Function/Arbitrary waveform generators – SDG6000X Series SDG5000 Series SDG2000X Series SDG1000X Series SDG1000 Series RF Generators – SSG3000X/-IQE Series SSG5000X/-V Series Spectrum & vector network analyzers – SSA3000X Series SVA1000X Series Oscilloscopes – SDS1000CFL
USB host connector power limits for instrumentation
June 14, 2019
SIGLENT instruments with USB ports can supply 500mA steady current at 5 V.
USB Connectivity Checklist
February 28, 2019
The Universal Serial Bus (USB) is very popular and has added a tremendous level of convenience and flexibility to computer and peripheral controls, including test and measurement instrumentation. As with all technology, it isn’t always sunshine and blue skies. Here are some common troubleshooting steps for USB connection issues: – Is the instrument plugged in … Continued
Oscilloscope Specifications: What does “div” mean in the specifications?
February 27, 2019
The term “div” for most SIGLENT specifications is equal to the Vertical Scale value (Commonly shown in units of Volts/div). Take the specification for the DC Gain Accuracy of a SIGLENT SDS1052DL+ For ranges ≤ 100 mV/div, the DC Gain Accuracy is given as ± [3% × (|reading|+|offset|) +1% × |offset| +0.2 * div+2 mV] If: Reading = 0.5 … Continued
Where do I find environmental, EMC, and other compliance information for your products?
February 15, 2019
Information regarding product compliance is available on the datasheet for each product. Contact your local Siglent office for more details if you have trouble finding what you need. You can also write info-eu@siglent.com
Are your instruments FCC compliant?
December 18, 2018
Test and measurement equipment is exempt from FCC emissions limits per CFR 47, Part 15, para 15.103(c): https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CFR-2002-title47-vol1/pdf/CFR-2002-title47-vol1-sec15-103.pdf Specifically: “(c) A digital device used exclusively as industrial, commercial, or medical test equipment.”
Standard probe product list
December 27, 2017
Here is a list of probes currently supplied with each product: Click here to view the Product Probe List