Operating Tips

SHS1000X Series

RoHS compliance

December 28, 2022

Many SIGLENT products are RoHS compliant to EU 2015/863. This is also known as RoHS 3 Check the datasheet for the product in question to find more information.

Are SIGLENT products certified by a Nationally Recognized Test Laboratories (NRTL)?

May 7, 2021

Per OSHA, a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) is an independent third-part laboratory recognized by the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to test and certify products to applicable product safety standards. Examples of NRTLs include UL, CSA, and TUV. Many SIGLENT products are TUV certified, which also covers UL and CSA requirements. To … Continued

USB Connectivity Checklist

February 28, 2019

The Universal Serial Bus (USB) is very popular and has added a tremendous level of convenience and flexibility to computer and peripheral controls, including test and measurement instrumentation. As with all technology, it isn’t always sunshine and blue skies. Here are some common troubleshooting steps for USB connection issues: – Is the instrument plugged in … Continued

Oscilloscope Specifications: What does “div” mean in the specifications?

February 27, 2019

The term “div” for most SIGLENT specifications is equal to the Vertical Scale value (Commonly shown in units of Volts/div). Take the specification for the DC Gain Accuracy of a SIGLENT SDS1052DL+ For ranges ≤ 100 mV/div, the DC Gain Accuracy is given as ± [3% × (|reading|+|offset|) +1% × |offset| +0.2 * div+2 mV] If: Reading = 0.5 … Continued

Are your instruments FCC compliant?

December 18, 2018

Test and measurement equipment is exempt from FCC emissions limits per CFR 47, Part 15, para 15.103(c): https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CFR-2002-title47-vol1/pdf/CFR-2002-title47-vol1-sec15-103.pdf Specifically: “(c) A digital device used exclusively as industrial, commercial, or medical test equipment.”

Standard probe product list

December 27, 2017

Here is a list of probes currently supplied with each product: Click here to view the Product Probe List

How to install the USBTMC driver

October 24, 2017

SIGLENT Technologies uses a broad range of products that utilize the USBTMC unified protocol to communicate with the host computer and control. Users can use SIGLENT provided PC software to send commands to remotely control the instrument. In addition, you can use NI-MAX (National Instruments Measurement and Automation Explorer) for instrument control. Here is an … Continued

Calibration Traceability

October 23, 2017

Excerpt from the ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board: http://anab.org/news/newsletter/winter-2014/nist-traceability-statements NIST Traceability Statements Many calibration customers request on their accredited calibration certificates a statement that the measurement is traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). They want assurance that the standards used for the calibration are ultimately traceable to the International System of Units … Continued