Operating Tips

SVA1000X Series

USB Connectivity Checklist

February 28, 2019

The Universal Serial Bus (USB) is very popular and has added a tremendous level of convenience and flexibility to computer and peripheral controls, including test and measurement instrumentation. As with all technology, it isn’t always sunshine and blue skies. Here are some common troubleshooting steps for USB connection issues: – Is the instrument plugged in … Continued

Correction factors in Monitor Mode with EasySpectrum software

December 18, 2018

SIGLENT EasySpectrum software includes the ability to create and edit correction factors that can be useful in correcting cable and adapter losses as well as adjusting spectral data for antenna gain. To create a correction file: Download EasySpectrum. Here is a link to the EasySpectrum Getting Started Guide Connect your SIGLENT analyzer to the controlling computer … Continued

Spectrum Monitor (waterfall chart) in EasySpectrum software

December 18, 2018

SIGLENT EasySpectrum software includes a spectrum monitor mode that shows a waterfall chart of successive scans. This can be useful if you are observing a carrier signal for drift as well as comparing successive spectral scans. To enable the spectrum monitor: Download EasySpectrum. Here is a link to the EasySpectrum Getting Started Guide Connect your … Continued

Are your instruments FCC compliant?

December 18, 2018

Test and measurement equipment is exempt from FCC emissions limits per CFR 47, Part 15, para 15.103(c): https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CFR-2002-title47-vol1/pdf/CFR-2002-title47-vol1-sec15-103.pdf Specifically: “(c) A digital device used exclusively as industrial, commercial, or medical test equipment.”

View two limit lines using EasySpectrum

December 18, 2018

This operating tip describes how to activate two limits using Monitor mode in SIGLENTs EasySpectrum software: Open monitor mode by right-clicking on the instrument you wish to control:   Select Limit, Set the Type to Point, and then Edit:     Now, change the units and configure the points.. pressing Add to add them to … Continued

Spectrum Analyzer Audio Demodulation Tips for AM/FM

October 17, 2018

The SIGLENT SSA and SVA series of spectrum analyzers feature the ability to demodulate AM or FM transmissions and then play the audio output using an external speaker or earphone. Here are some tips to optimizing the audio quality: Set the center frequency to the match the channel of interest. For example, if you wish … Continued

Programming Example: Return Peak Table Data with an SSA3000X Spectrum Analyzer

March 23, 2018

The SIGLENT SSA3000X series of spectrum analyzers have an on-screen peak detection that can be used to easily show the peak values in a Configure the instrument span, RBW, and amplitude to capture the signals of interest Send “:CALC:MARK:PEAK:TABL ON” Send “:CALC:PEAK:TABL? “ to return the peak table data Here, we show the displayed peak table and … Continued