SPD3303C Series Programmable DC Power Supplies

  • 3 independent high precision outputs: two 30 V /3.2 A, one 2.5 V / 3.3 V / & 5 V / 3.2 A, total 220 W power
  • 4 digit voltage and 3 digit current display, min resolution: 10 mV, 10 mA
  • Three output modes: independent, series and parallel
  • 100/120/220/230 V compatible design, to meet the needs of various power grids

Product Overview

The SPD3303C is a LED display screen programmable linear DC power supply that is both lightweight and feature-packed. It has three independent outputs: two sets of adjustable voltage / current and a fixed set of selectable voltages; 2.5, 3.3, and 5 V. In addition, the ‘3303C has outputs that are short-circuit and overload protected. Total power is 220 W. It has three available operation modes; independent, series and parallel modes. The SPD3300C has a high performance-to-price ratio and can be used in various types of production, education and research environments.

Channel OutputDisplayResolutionSetting AccuracyReadback AccuracyPrice
SPD3303CCH1: Voltage 0 to 32 V
Current 0 to 3.2 A
CH2: Voltage 0 to 32 V
Current 0 to 3.2 A
CH3: Voltage 2.5/3.3/5.0 V
Current 3.2 A
LED display:
4 digit voltage display,
3 digit current display
10 mV,
10 mA
± (0.5% of reading + 3 digits)
± (0.5% of reading + 3 digits)
± (0.5% of reading + 3 digits)
± (0.5% of reading + 3 digits)
€249Buy Now

Key Features

  • Smart temperature controlled fan, effectively reduces the fan noise
  • Save/Recall 5 group system set-ups, supports data storage expansion
  • Connected to PC via USB Device, support SCPI command, to meet the control and communication needs

Need more information? Call us now +49 821 666 0 111 0

Product Characteristics

Design Features View more

Design Features

The SPD3303C exhibits high resolution, 10 mV / 10 mA, providing the user with excellent settability and read back accuracy. In addition, it maintains its ability to change output voltage or current in small increments while fully meeting the power requirements of the load.

Intelligent fan for temperature control, effectively reduces noise.

Series/parallel/independent output modes View more

Series/parallel/independent output modes

Series-parallel function combines two power supplies into one and makes it very convenient for many applications. The 3303C has three independent outputs which can be controlled separately and also be turned on or off separately or at the same time.

USB Remote Interface View more

USB Remote Interface

USB Device. Can be controlled by remote PC. Comes with EasyPower software.

Supports SCPI commands.

Save/ Recall interface View more

Save/ Recall interface

The SPD3000C programmable linear DC power supply provides five groups of local storage system parameters and has support for external memory expansion. With this feature the local or external memory can be stored, recalled ,or deleted, making it easy to return to your desired settings.

Support and Resources

Application Notes

Programming Example: List connected VISA compatible resources using PyVISA

Download PDF PyVISA is a software library that enables Python applications to communicate with resources (typically instruments) connected to a controlling computer using different buses, including: GPIB, RS-232, LAN, and USB. This example scans and lists the available resources. It requires PyVISA to be installed (see the PyVISA documentation for more information) *** #Example that … Continued

Verification of a working remote communications connection using NI – MAX

Download PDF Automating a test can dramatically increase the productivity, throughput, and accuracy of a process. Automating a setup involves connecting a computer to the test instrumentation using a standard communications bus like USB or LAN and then utilizing code entered via a software layer (like LabVIEW, .NET, Python, etc..) to sequence the specific instrument … Continued